Weird Canteen is a zine about the strange side of food.

Seeking writing, comics, illustrations, poetry, photos, collage, interviews, reviews, recipes, problems, confessions: anything funny, strange or interesting.

Profits go to charity.


Size A4, portrait orientation, colour or black and white. Email with submissions or questions.

Got a secret?

Unburden yourself by telling Weird Canteen all your strange food secrets, lies, delusions, tall tales and sickening stories. Totally anonymous, just fill in the form:

Weird Canteen is a zine about the strange side of food.

Seeking writing, comics, illustrations, poetry, photos, collage, interviews, reviews, recipes, problems, confessions: anything funny, strange or interesting.

Profits go to charity.


Size A4, portrait orientation, colour or black and white. Email with submissions or questions.

Got a secret?

Unburden yourself by telling Weird Canteen all your strange food secrets, lies, delusions, tall tales and sickening stories. Totally anonymous, just fill in the form: